Expert Lollipop Breast Lift in Toronto


Find your perfect breast lift with our lollipop breast lift, created by experts who care deeply about you. Our skilled surgeons are ready to make sure you look and feel great.

Trust us to do our best with gentle care and outstanding results.

Number of Procedures

1 procedure

Procedure Duration

2 – 3 hours

Recovery Time

2 – 6 weeks


$9,800 – 13000

Home  >  Breast Lift  >  Lollipop Lift

lollipop breast lift surgery Toronto

Why Choose Lollipop Breast Lift Surgery


For people who want to improve the appearance of their breasts through a method that provides both lifting and contouring, choosing a lollipop breast lift surgery can be a good decision. Here is why many people choose this type of breast lift:

  • Targeted Lift and Reshape: The lollipop breast lift addresses moderate sagging and contouring issues. It allows for a significant lift and gives the breasts a youthful appearance.
  • Enhanced Breast Symmetry: The lollipop lift leaves fewer scars than the traditional anchor lift but requires more incisions than other forms of breast lift. If scarring occurs, it is usually well concealed around the areola and the natural crease beneath the breast.
  • Minimal Scarring: Many women choose a lollipop breast lift to achieve better breast symmetry. The procedure can be customized to address differences in size and shape, resulting in a more harmonious and balanced appearance of the breasts.

lollipop breast lift Toronto

Who is a Lollipop Breast Lift Candidate?


Candidates for a crescent breast lift are usually those who want to improve the appearance of their breasts slightly. The following qualities make candidates ideal:

Moderate Breast Sagging: For those with moderate sagging—where the breasts droop noticeably but the nipples may still be at or just below the crease—the lollipop lift is the best option.
Nipple Position and Projection Concerns: A lollipop breast lift can change the position and size of the nipples and areolas, giving them a more natural, forward-facing position for those whose nipples point down or are swollen.
Breast Asymmetry: A lollipop lift can visually correct asymmetry, which occurs when one breast differs in size or shape. This treatment makes it possible to precisely correct each breast, which contributes to the appearance of greater symmetry.
Loss of Breast Shape and Volume: Candidates often want to regain the natural shape of their breasts that they may have lost due to aging, weight fluctuations, or breastfeeding. The lollipop lift helps create a rounder appearance by lifting the breasts.

Breast Lift Surgery Before & After


See real-life examples of our patients’ journeys, showcasing the beautiful results achieved through expert surgical techniques and personalized care.

anchor breast lift surgery

How to Prepare for a Lollipop Breast Lift


Preparing for a lollipop breast lift involves various steps, so ensure you are mentally and physically ready. To prepare, you need to do the following:

The Benefits of the Lollipop Breast Lift Procedure

Customizable Results

This process allows for many customizations to suit personal style preferences. Surgeons can customize lollipop breast lift to suit each patient’s unique needs.

Faster Recovery Time

People generally recover faster after a lollipop breast lift than after more invasive breast lift procedures. Although recovery time may vary, it results in fewer interruptions and a faster return to normal activities.

Long-lasting Results

A lollipop breast lift provides results that last for years, but no amount of cosmetic surgery can stop the aging process. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and constant weight can extend the results.

Stages of the Lollipop Breast Lift Process

Assessment and Goals

Starting with a thorough consultation, your surgeon will examine your breasts, talk with you about your desired aesthetic results, and determine whether you are a good candidate for the treatment.

Medical Evaluations

To make sure you're healthy enough for surgery, you might undergo medical exams. This covers certain mammograms and blood tests.


The procedure typically involves either general anesthesia or sedation to ensure you're comfortable and pain-free.

Surgical Procedure

The lollipop lift procedure involves an incision around the areola's perimeter and a vertical incision down to the breast crease to remove excess skin and reposition the nipple.

Post-Op Monitoring

Immediately after the procedure, you will be monitored in the recovery room to ensure there are no problems after the anesthesia wears off.

Rest and Healing

You should do little to nothing for the first few days at home. You may need to use prescribed medications to control discomfort and swelling, as well as wearing a support bra.

Aftercare Instructions for Lollipop Breast Lift


Following careful post-operative care instructions is essential for a speedy recovery and optimal healing after a lollipop breast lift. Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate the time after surgery:

Frequently Asked Questions


Explore our selection of popular procedures, each designed to meet specific aesthetic or reconstructive needs. From enhancing your appearance to restoring form and function. 


Good candidates for a lollipop breast lift are women who are bothered by sagging breasts due to factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, or aging. Candidates should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the results.

During a lollipop breast lift, the surgeon will make incisions around the areola and vertically down to the breast crease. Excess skin is removed, and the remaining breast tissue is reshaped and lifted to achieve a more youthful appearance. The nipples may also be repositioned higher on the breast mound if necessary.

The recovery process after a lollipop breast lift typically involves some discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which can be managed with pain medication and proper post-operative care. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for several weeks and to wear a supportive bra as directed by their surgeon.


While some scarring is inevitable with any breast lift procedure, the incisions for a lollipop breast lift are strategically placed around the areola and vertically down to the breast crease, where they can be easily concealed by clothing and swimwear. Over time, the scars usually fade and become less noticeable.


A lollipop breast lift can provide lifted, firmer, and more youthful-looking breasts with improved shape and contour. However, individual results may vary, and it’s essential to discuss your expectations and desired outcome with your surgeon during the consultation.


Additional Procedures Provided at McRae Plastic Surgery

Meet Our Surgeons


At McRae Plastic Surgery, our practice centers around our board-certified plastic surgeons. Dr. Mark McRae and Dr. Matthew McRae are dedicated to continuous learning and have undergone rigorous training, ensuring a comprehensive approach to patient care.

Dr. Mark McRae


Dr. Matthew McRae


McRae Plastic Surgery


Located in: St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton

Address: St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, 50 Charlton Ave E
Room G845, Hamilton, ON L8N 4A6, Canada

Monday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Tuesday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Wednesday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Thursday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Friday 9 AM–12 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Phone: +1 905-522-1155 ext. 32145

Province: Ontario