Leading Double Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) in Toronto


Our expert surgeons excel in enhancing your appearance through Double Eyelid Surgery, using state-of-the-art techniques and adjusted care to refine the delicate area of your eyelids.

Ensuring your comfort and facilitating a swift recovery process stand as our top priorities.

Number of Procedures

1 procedure

Procedure Duration

1-2.5 hours

Recovery Time

2-3 weeks


$4,500- 10,000

Home  >  Eyelid Lift  >  Double Eyelid Surgery

Why Choose Double Eyelid Surgery


Double eyelid surgery, or Asian blepharoplasty, is a specialized procedure designed to create or increase the eyelid’s crease, creating a more defined eye shape. This surgery is not just about aesthetics; it’s about capturing your unique beauty with precision and care. Here’s why choosing double eyelid surgery can be a transformative decision:

  • Personalized Aesthetic Enhancement: Adjusted to meet your individual goals, this surgery can significantly brighten and enlarge the appearance of the eyes, contributing to a more vibrant and youthful look.
  • Improved Symmetry: Many seek this surgery to correct asymmetrical eyelids, achieving a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.
  • Versatile Outcomes: Whether you’re looking for a subtle enhancement or a more noticeable change, double eyelid surgery can be customized to produce results that are as natural or as dramatic as you desire.
  • Boosted Self-Confidence: This procedure can greatly enhance your confidence and self-image by aligning your outer appearance with your inner sense of self.
  • Minimal Downtime: With advanced surgical techniques, the recovery period can be relatively short, allowing you to return to your daily activities with minimal interruption.
  • Long-Lasting Results: Unlike temporary cosmetic solutions, the effects of double eyelid surgery are enduring, giving you a lasting enhancement.

Who is a Double Eyelid Surgery Candidate?


Double eyelid surgery is suitable for people who want to enhance their eyelids or achieve a more open, lively look. This procedure is especially popular among people of Asian descent who want to create a naturally absent or less pronounced eyelid crease. Ideal candidates for double eyelid surgery are often:

  • Individuals Without a Natural Eyelid Crease: Those born without a distinct upper eyelid crease seek to create one for aesthetic reasons or to make makeup application easier.
  • People with Asymmetrical Eyelids: Individuals with uneven eyelids want to achieve symmetry through surgical intervention.
  • Those Seeking an Enhanced Eye Shape: Individuals desiring larger-looking eyes or a specific eyelid shape that reflects their aesthetic preferences.
  • Have Monolid or Single Eyelids: Present with monolid or single eyelids, lacking a distinct upper eyelid crease, and wish to achieve a double eyelid appearance.
  • Seek Functional Improvement: Experience functional issues such as excessive eyelid skin hooding, which may impair vision or cause discomfort, and desire improvement in eyelid function.

Eyelid Surgery Before & After


See real-life examples of our patients’ journeys, showcasing the beautiful results achieved through expert surgical techniques and personalized care.

How to Prepare for a Double Eyelid Surgery


Preparing for double eyelid surgery is essential for ensuring a smooth procedure and optimal outcomes. Here’s how to get ready for this transformative surgery:

The Benefits of the Double Eyelid Surgery

Aesthetic Improvement

Creates a distinct upper eyelid crease, giving the eyes a more open, vibrant appearance and enhancing the overall facial aesthetic.

Improved Makeup Application

The creation of a crease allows for easier and more effective makeup application, offering more options for eye makeup styles.

Enhanced Eye Shape

Can make the eyes appear larger and more expressive, contributing to a refreshed and youthful look.

Customizable Results

The procedure can be changed to meet individual expectations, whether seeking a subtle or more noticeable change in eyelid appearance.

Permanent Solution

Unlike temporary cosmetic treatments, the results of double eyelid surgery are permanent, providing a lifelong aesthetic enhancement.

Stages of the Double Eyelid Surgical Process

Initial Consultation

The journey begins with a comprehensive consultation where the surgeon evaluates your eyelids, discusses aesthetic goals, and explains the surgical options.

Preoperative Preparation

Patients undergo health evaluations to confirm their suitability for surgery. They receive detailed instructions on preparing for surgery, including guidelines on medication adjustments.


On the day of the surgery, anesthesia is administered to ensure the patient's comfort throughout the procedure. The type of anesthesia will depend on the complexity of the surgery.

Surgical Procedure

The surgeon makes precise incisions to form new creases, removes excess skin and fat, adjusts eyelid muscles for a natural fold, and closes the incisions with fine sutures to minimize scarring and enhance eyelid contour.

Immediate Postoperative Care

After surgery, patients are taken to a recovery area where their vital signs are monitored as they recover from anesthesia. Before being discharged, patients receive post-operative care instructions.

Recovery and Aftercare

Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the patient's recovery, remove sutures if necessary, and evaluate the aesthetic results.

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Aftercare Tips & Instructions for Double Eyelid Surgery


Ensuring an optimal recovery after double eyelid surgery involves a set of carefully followed aftercare practices. Here are seven revised or alternative tips for post-operative care:


Frequently Asked Questions


Explore our selection of popular procedures, each designed to meet specific aesthetic or reconstructive needs. From enhancing your appearance to restoring form and function. 

Candidates best suited for blepharoplasty are in good general health. It is important for candidates to have realistic expectations and to be free from any medical conditions that could impair healing or elevate risks during surgery.

Drs. McRae personalize eyelid surgery by evaluating factors such as the patient’s skin type, eyelid structure, fat distribution, orbital and cheeks bone position, brow position and muscle tone, and baseline asymmetry. They consider individual anatomical and aesthetic aspects, including the distinctive features of particular ethnicities, to customize the surgical plan for each patient.


During recovery, patients can typically make public appearances within 1- 2 weeks. Most light activities can be resumed within a week. Lower blepharoplasty may result in more pronounced swelling or bruising, and final swelling may take several months to completely resolve.


Like any surgical procedure, blepharoplasty carries potential risks, including but not limited to bleeding, infection, or difficulties with eyelid function. Dr. McRae employs meticulous techniques to minimize these risks and has the expertise to manage any complications that may arise. Patients are recommended to have had their eyes checked within a year of pursuing blepharoplasty surgery.


For upper eyelid surgery, local anesthesia is commonly used. For lower eyelid surgery local anesthesia can also be performed but more commonly patients choose local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The choice depends on patient comfort and the complexity of the surgery and is administered by a board certified anesthesiologist.


The improvements from blepharoplasty are typically long-lasting. Although the procedure cannot stop the aging process, it can significantly enhance the appearance of the eyelids for an extended period.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty typically involves removing surplus skin and distributes fat to achieve a rejuvenated eyelid contour. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty often focuses on fat repositioning, muscle tightening, release of the tear trough ligament and improving the transition between the eyelid and cheek to create a refreshed and rested appearance.

Additional Procedures Provided at McRae Plastic Surgery

Meet Our Surgeons


At McRae Plastic Surgery, our practice centers around our board-certified plastic surgeons. Dr. Mark McRae and Dr. Matthew McRae are dedicated to continuous learning and have undergone rigorous training, ensuring a comprehensive approach to patient care.

Dr. Mark McRae


Dr. Matthew McRae


McRae Plastic Surgery


Located in: Toronto, Canada

Address: 30 Bond Street Martin Family Center, B1 (Ground Level), Donnelly Wing, Toronto, ON M5B 1W8, Canada

Monday 8:30 AM–3:30 PM
Tuesday 12:30 AM–4 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM–3:30 PM
Thursday 12:30 AM–4 PM
Friday 8 AM–3:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Phone: +1 (416) 638-3499

Province: Ontario