Top-Rated Facelift (Rhytidectomy) in Toronto


Our experienced doctors use the latest techniques and personalized attention to make your natural beauty shine with facelifts. We aim to give you lasting improvements and a comfortable recovery.

We care just as much about how easy your recovery is as we do about making sure you love the results.

Number of Procedures

1 procedure

Procedure Duration

3 hours

Recovery Time

2-4 weeks


$17,000- 35,000

facelift surgery in toronto

Why Choose Facelift Surgery


A facelift is a surgical procedure that restores the face to a youthful appearance by tightening the facial skin and underlying tissue. During the procedure, excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is repositioned to reduce wrinkles and sagging, resulting in a firmer facial contour.

Facelift surgery might be the solution you’ve been seeking for several reasons:

  • Combating Aging and Environmental Damage: Aging, sun exposure, and stress can affect facial skin, making it less elastic and firm. This leads to wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. A facelift helps with these problems by tightening and lifting facial tissues, removing extra skin, and reducing wrinkles for a younger look.
  • Reversing the Effects of Gravity: Just as gravity affects the body, it also causes the skin on the face and neck to droop. A facelift counteracts these effects by restoring the skin and underlying tissues to a more natural and elevated position, enhancing the contours of your face and jawline.
  • Restoration After Significant Life Changes: Significant weight loss or stressful periods in life can cause facial skin to look sagging and age beyond its years. A facelift can rejuvenate your appearance, restoring a more youthful and refreshed look.
facelift toronto

Who is a Facelift Candidate?


Determining who is an ideal candidate for facelift surgery involves evaluating several factors related to an individual’s health, skin condition, and personal goals. Here are key considerations to help identify who might be a good candidate for a facelift:

  • Sagging or Loose Facial Skin: Individuals noticing a loss of firmness and the presence of drooping skin around the jawline, cheeks, or neck are prime candidates for a facelift.
  • Deep Wrinkles and Fold Lines: Those with deep creases running from the nose to the corners of the mouth, or between the mouth and chin, may find that a facelift effectively reduces these signs of aging..
  • Jowls or Lack of Definition in the Jawline: A facelift can address sagging skin that creates jowls, redefining the jawline and enhancing the profile by removing excess skin and tightening underlying tissues.
  • Tired-Looking Appearance: If your face seems perpetually tired due to sagging and aging, a facelift can rejuvenate your facial features.

Facelift Surgery Before & After


See real-life examples of our patients’ journeys, showcasing the beautiful results achieved through expert surgical techniques and personalized care.

Types of Facelift Methods

Traditional Facelift/Full Facelift


Incisions are made in the hairline, around the ears, and possibly under the chin to remove excess skin and tighten underlying tissues. It’s ideal for those with significant sagging and deep wrinkles.


Targeting signs of aging, the mini facelift requires smaller incisions and has a shorter recovery time. It tightens the skin and the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) layer of the lower face and neck.


Enhances the cheeks and lower eyelids, addressing deep creases and volume loss in the mid-face area. This technique often involves incisions similar to a traditional facelift but focuses on lifting the mid-face.


Concentrates on the lower third of the face, improving jowls, marionette lines, and chin sagging. The incisions are made around the ears and hairline to tighten the skin and underlying tissues in this area.


Involves tightening the SMAS layer, which covers, surrounds, and attaches to the deeper facial structures. This technique lifts and repositions the facial muscles for a more natural and long-lasting result.


Goes deeper than the SMAS facelift, targeting the tissues below the SMAS layer. This method is effective for addressing nasolabial folds and sagging cheeks, offering more dramatic rejuvenation.


A minimally invasive alternative that uses temporary, dissolvable threads to lift and tighten the facial skin. It offers a quicker recovery and can be a good option for those with mild sagging.


Uses shorter incisions compared to a traditional facelift. Sutures are used to lift the tissues, focusing on the lower face and neck. It is for those seeking less invasive options with a shorter recovery period.

How to Prepare for a Facelift


Preparing for a facelift involves several steps to ensure the best possible outcome and a smooth recovery. Here’s a guide to help you prepare for your facelift surgery:

The Benefits of the Facelift Surgery

Youthful Appearance

A facelift effectively addresses signs of aging by tightening sagging skin, smoothing out deep wrinkles, and restoring the facial structure’s youthful contours.

Long-lasting Results

While non-surgical treatments offer temporary improvements, a facelift surgery delivers results that can last for many years.

Improved Self-Confidence

The aesthetic improvements gained from a facelift can significantly enhance one’s self-esteem. Looking better often translates to feeling better.

Stages of the Facelift Surgical Process

Consultation and Planning

The surgeon evaluates the patient's facial structure to recommend the best surgical approach and ensure the patient's expectations can be realistically achieved.


Before the surgery, patients may need to undergo medical evaluations, adjust medications, and follow specific guidelines regarding eating, drinking, and smoking.


Anesthesia is given to ensure comfort during the procedure. This could be general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.

Surgical Procedure

The surgeon makes incisions around the hairline and ears to minimize visible scarring. Excess skin is removed, underlying tissues and muscles are tightened, and the skin is repositioned.

Closing the Incisions

Once the desired adjustments have been made, the surgeon carefully sutures the incisions to optimize healing and minimize scarring.

Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery involves following the care instructions, managing swelling, keeping incisions clean, and attending follow-up appointments for progress monitoring and addressing concerns.

facelift in toronto

Aftercare Instructions for Facelift Surgery


“>Aftercare following breast lift surgery is crucial for optimal healing and achieving the best results. Here are concise aftercare instructions:


Frequently Asked Questions


Explore our selection of popular procedures, each designed to meet specific aesthetic or reconstructive needs. From enhancing your appearance to restoring form and function. 


A facelift, medically known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to create a more youthful appearance by improving major signs of aging in the lower two-thirds of the face and jawline.

Ideal candidates are those who are physically healthy, non-smokers, with well controlled blood pressure, not on blood thinner medications, with realistic expectations and a goal of achieving a refreshed, less tired appearance.
Dr. McRae customizes each procedure to the individual’s unique facial structure, aging process, and desired outcome, employing techniques that may include repositioning of facial tissues. The incorporation of complementary procedures like facial fat grafting and skin rejuvenating peels exemplifies their commitment to cutting-edge care.

A mini facelift involves shorter scars and less downtime, suitable for patients with moderate signs of aging, while a facelift offers comprehensive improvements for typical facial aging symptoms.


Patients can expect to see improvement in sagging skin, elimination of loose jowls, more defined jawline, softened wrinkles, and a reduction of folds, particularly from the nose to the mouth.


SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) techniques are critical as they involve repositioning the layers beneath the skin, including the superficial fat pads, which are vital for facial aesthetics and expression. SMAS layer modifications require careful attention to identify and protect facial nerves.


Incisions are discreetly made in natural skin creases, in front of and behind the ear, and sometimes under the chin to minimize visible scarring.


The procedure can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, determined by patient preference and the expected duration of the surgery.


Typically, facelift surgery lasts between 2.5 to 4 hours. Dr. McRae aims to keep surgical times under 5 hours to reduce potential complications and aid in more rapid recovery.


Yes, additional procedures such as eyelid lifts can be performed simultaneously, provided the total surgery time does not exceed the 5-hour limit for safety.


Dr. McRae employs an Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Protocol, which includes a multi-pronged approach for medication, hygiene, and patient care to minimize risks and promote smooth, fast recovery.


Initial recovery usually involves some swelling and discomfort with most patients returning to normal light daily activities within 2 weeks. Final results, including scar maturation and resolution of swelling, can take up to a year.


While rare, potential complications can include bleeding, scarring, skin loss, nerve injury, and pain syndromes. Risk factors and prevention strategies are discussed during the consultation.


They believe in a minimalist approach that yields the maximum results, focusing on the least number of interventions to achieve the desired aesthetic goal.

Additional Procedures Provided at McRae Plastic Surgery

Meet Our Surgeons


At McRae Plastic Surgery, our practice centers around our board-certified plastic surgeons. Dr. Mark McRae and Dr. Matthew McRae are dedicated to continuous learning and have undergone rigorous training, ensuring a comprehensive approach to patient care.

Dr. Mark McRae


Dr. Matthew McRae


McRae Plastic Surgery


Located in: Toronto, Canada

Address: 30 Bond Street Martin Family Center, B1 (Ground Level), Donnelly Wing, Toronto, ON M5B 1W8, Canada

Monday 8:30 AM–3:30 PM
Tuesday 12:30 AM–4 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM–3:30 PM
Thursday 12:30 AM–4 PM
Friday 8 AM–3:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Phone: +1 (416) 638-3499

Province: Ontario