Reshaping Your Confidence with Liposuction

Unlock the Potential of Your Body's Contours


Liposuction, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body. Using advanced techniques, Drs. McRae will suction out localized fat deposits, sculpting your body to create a more refined and balanced silhouette. Common target areas include the abdomen, hips, arms, thighs, neck, and chin.


Visualizing the Transformation

Witness the Art of Liposuction


Experience the dramatic changes that liposuction can bring. Our gallery showcases the targeted approach of Drs. McRae, highlighting the seamless integration of refined contours and natural aesthetics. Each image is a testament to the precision and skill involved in crafting a more confident you.


The Journey of Liposuction

Precision, Care, and Your Well-being


Liposuction is a commitment to your personal aesthetic goals, targeting those stubborn fat deposits that resist diet and exercise. Ideal for individuals close to their ideal weight, it’s not just a procedure but a step towards aligning your body with your envisioned self-image. Drs. McRae’s expertise ensures a procedure tailored to your unique needs, focusing on health, realistic outcomes, and ongoing lifestyle balance.


Frequently Asked Questions


Explore our selection of popular procedures, each designed to meet specific aesthetic or reconstructive needs. From enhancing your appearance to restoring form and function. 


Individuals near their ideal weight who struggle with localized fat deposits. Good overall health and realistic expectations are key.

Light activities can be resumed within days, but full recovery varies. Compression garments are recommended to aid healing. Final results take around 6 months.

Includes risks such as infection and irregular contours. Benefits include improved body contour, boosted confidence, long-lasting results, and minimal invasiveness. Healing is not always predictable and the amount your skin will contract is variable based on the location and skin type. We have an extensive consent process to ensure you understand the risks and benefits of liposuction.


Utilized for facial rejuvenation, breast augmentation, and body contouring. Techniques include harvesting fat through liposuction or manual extraction, purification, and various injection techniques for optimal results.


Involves wearing compression garments, avoiding pressure on treated areas, and regular follow-up appointments.


Our practice currently does not offer this procedure due to its higher complication rates. We prioritize patient safety and are awaiting more comprehensive safety data. For those interested, we will provide referrals to reputable plastic surgeons specializing in this procedure.

Begin Your Transformation


Your journey towards achieving a more sculpted physique starts with us. Drs. Mark and Matthew McRae specialize in liposuction, a key to unlocking the contours you envision for yourself. At our clinic, liposuction is an important technique that is often combined with other procedures. Work with us as a partnership in sculpting your body and enhancing your self-image. We combine medical expertise with a deep understanding of your unique aesthetic aspirations. Connect with us today and take the first step on your transformative path to refined beauty and renewed confidence.