Trusted Breast Reconstruction in Toronto


Get back to your best self with our professional breast reconstruction surgery. 

Our experienced surgeons work with you to achieve natural-looking results, helping you confidently move forward.

Number of Procedures

1 procedure

Procedure Duration

2 – 4 hours

Recovery Time

2 weeks


$10000 – 14000

breast reconstruction surgery toronto

Why Choose Breast Reconstruction


Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure designed to restore the shape and appearance of breasts after mastectomy or lumpectomy, offering an opportunity for women who have undergone breast removal due to cancer or other conditions to reclaim their body image. Here are several compelling reasons to consider breast reconstruction:

  • Restoration of Body Symmetry: Breast reconstruction helps restore the body’s natural symmetry, which can be significantly altered after breast removal surgery.
  • Personal Choice and Customization: Breast reconstruction offers various options, including implant-based reconstruction or using one’s tissue (autologous reconstruction), allowing for personalized surgical plans.
  • No Impact on Cancer Treatment Efficacy: Reconstruction does not typically interfere with the effectiveness of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Planning reconstruction can often be coordinated with cancer treatment plans.
breast reconstruction treatment

Who is a Breast Reconstruction Candidate?


Breast reconstruction surgery offers women who have had breast removal or have significant breast deformities the opportunity to regain a more natural appearance. Here are some conditions that usually make a person a suitable candidate for this surgery:

  • Post-Mastectomy/Lumpectomy Patients: Women who have had a mastectomy or lumpectomy to treat or prevent breast cancer are prime candidates for breast reconstruction. Surgery can restore breasts to nearly normal size, shape, and appearance after cancer is removed.
  • Congenital Breast Deformities: Individuals born with congenital breast abnormalities, such as Poland syndrome (lack of pectoral muscles) or asymmetrical breasts, may also consider breast reconstruction to improve symmetry and achieve a more balanced body contour.
  • Breast Trauma or Injury: Patients who have suffered serious trauma or damage to the breast that results in deformation or loss of breast tissue may benefit from reconstructive surgery to restore the appearance of the breasts.

Breast Reconstruction Before & After


See the amazing changes from breast reconstruction in our before-and-after photos, showing the great work of our skilled surgeons.

Types Of Breast Reconstruction Methods

Implant-Based Reconstruction


This method uses breast implants to recreate the shape of breasts after a mastectomy. It often starts with placing a tissue expander to stretch the skin and muscle and then replacing it with a permanent implant, silicone gel, or saline solution.

Autologous (Flap) Reconstruction


Autologous reconstruction uses the patient’s tissue, usually from the abdomen, back, or buttocks, to reconstruct the breast. This technique is popular due to natural results and includes various flap techniques such as TRAM, DIEP and latissimus dorsi flap.

Combined Implant and Flap Reconstruction


This approach combines implants and autologous tissue to form a breast mound, ideal for those with limited donor tissue. It provides increased flexibility in breast shaping by combining the implants’ volume with the body tissue’s natural texture.

breast reconstruction

How to Prepare for a Breast Reconstruction


Preparing for breast reconstruction surgery is critical to ensuring a smooth procedure and successful recovery. Here are some important steps to follow when preparing for surgery:

The Benefits of the Breast Reconstruction

Permanent Solution

Although prosthetics are temporary and require constant adjustment, breast reconstruction offers a more permanent solution. Once the reconstruction stages are completed, most women do not require further major surgery.

Customization to Patient Needs

Breast reconstruction offers customized treatment options for each patient’s body and aesthetic preferences. Surgeons can customize the reconstruction based on individual factors such as body shape, lifestyle, and desired outcome.

Improved Self-Esteem and Body Image

Losing one or both breasts can have a serious impact on a woman’s self-esteem and sense of femininity. Breast reconstruction can be critical in emotional recovery, helping women feel whole and more comfortable in their skin. 

Stages of the Breast Reconstruction Process

Discussion and Planning

Meet with a plastic surgeon to discuss reconstruction options, evaluate your health, and create a personalized treatment plan based on your medical history and aesthetic goals.

Preoperative Preparation

Complete all necessary medical tests and receive detailed instructions to prepare for surgery, including medication recommendations, diet, and lifestyle changes.

Surgical Procedure

Depending on the method chosen, it may involve placement of an implant, flap reconstruction using your tissue, or a combination of both. This stage can occur immediately after a mastectomy or as a delayed procedure.

Hospital Recovery

Immediately following surgery, you'll spend time in the hospital where your initial recovery and pain management are closely monitored.

Home Care and Follow-up

Continue recovery at home, following specific wound care instructions, activity restrictions, and follow-up visits to monitor healing.

Ongoing Care and Adjustments

Attend regular follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and discuss any potential corrective surgeries to improve the shape and appearance of your reconstructed breast.

breast reconstruction aftercare

Aftercare Instructions for Breast Reconstruction


Following your surgeon’s aftercare instructions will help ensure optimal healing, minimize the risk of complications, and improve your overall outcome. Here are general tips for caring for breast reconstruction:

Frequently Asked Questions


Explore our selection of popular procedures, each designed to meet specific aesthetic or reconstructive needs. From enhancing your appearance to restoring form and function. 


Yes, breast reconstruction surgery can be painful, but pain levels vary from person to person and depend on factors like individual pain tolerance and the specific surgical techniques used.

Recovery after breast reconstruction can take several weeks to months, depending on the type of reconstruction performed and individual healing factors.

Yes, there are risks associated with breast reconstruction surgery, including infection, bleeding, complications with anesthesia, scarring, changes in breast or nipple sensation, and implant-related issues like rupture or capsular contracture.


Some patients may require additional surgeries to adjust the shape of the breast, correct any asymmetries, or perform nipple reconstruction. These are usually less extensive than the initial reconstruction.


Additional Procedures Provided at McRae Plastic Surgery

Meet Our Surgeons


At McRae Plastic Surgery, our practice centers around our board-certified plastic surgeons. Dr. Mark McRae and Dr. Matthew McRae are dedicated to continuous learning and have undergone rigorous training, ensuring a comprehensive approach to patient care.

Dr. Mark McRae


Dr. Matthew McRae


McRae Plastic Surgery


Located in: St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton

Address: St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, 50 Charlton Ave E
Room G845, Hamilton, ON L8N 4A6, Canada

Monday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Tuesday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Wednesday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Thursday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Friday 9 AM–12 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Phone: +1 905-522-1155 ext. 32145

Province: Ontario

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