Top-Rated Submentoplasty in Toronto


Smoother your jawline with our quick and easy submenoplasty. Say goodbye to your double chin and hello to a look you’ll love!

It’s your time to shine with a profile you’re proud of.

Number of Procedures

1 procedure

Procedure Duration

2-3 hours

Recovery Time

2-4 weeks


$13,600- 17,000

Home  >  Neck Lift  >  Submentoplasty

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Why Choose Submentoplasty?


Submentoplasty can help those who want to improve their profile and define their jawline. This surgery, targeting the area behind the chin, effectively reduces excess fat and tightens the skin. Below are some compelling reasons to consider submentoplasty:

  • Improved Jawline Definition: Submentoplasty targets the area below the chin, creating a clearer, sharper jawline that highlights your best features.
  • Minimal Downtime: The recovery period after submentoplasty is shorter than that after more invasive surgical procedures so that you can resume your daily activities more quickly.
  • Long-Lasting Outcomes: A submentoplasty is intended to provide long-lasting results that instill confidence in your appearance.
  • Customized to You: Every operation is customized to each person’s requirements and aesthetic objectives, guaranteeing outcomes that blend harmoniously with your overall facial structure.
  • Improved Self-Confidence: Submentoplasty can significantly improve your self-esteem by improving one of the most noticeable features of your appearance. This will make you feel more confident.

Who is a Submentoplasty Candidate?


Submentoplasty can solve specific problems in the neck and chin area. The following people are the best candidates for this procedure if they want to improve or correct them:

  • Excess Fat beneath the Chin: Submentoplasty benefits people who have developed a double chin or accumulated fat under the chin. This process can effectively reduce fat, giving the chin a more defined appearance.
  • Mild to Moderate Skin Laxity: Submentoplasty may be the best option for people with loose or sagging skin around the neck and chin, often resulting from aging or sudden weight loss. This process tightens the skin, making it look younger.
  • Poorly Defined Jawline: Candidates with submental fullness, commonly known as a double chin, may benefit from platysmaplasty. It can address chin fullness by removing fat and tightening the muscles, resulting in a more defined jawline and improved facial balance.
  • Small or Recessed Chin: Individuals who lack definition in the neck area, often characterized by a lack of contour between the jawline and neck, may be suitable candidates for platysmaplasty. Platysmaplasty can help create a more sculpted neck contour by tightening muscles and removing excess skin or fat deposits.

Neck Lift Surgery Before & After


See real-life examples of our patients’ journeys, showcasing the beautiful results achieved through expert surgical techniques and personalized care.

cervicoplasty in toronto

How to Prepare for a Submentoplasty


A few crucial procedures must be taken in advance of a submentoplasty to guarantee a seamless process and to maximize your outcomes. Here’s how to get ready for your procedure:

The Benefits of the Submentoplasty

Minimal Scarring

Due to the strategic placement of the incisions, usually under the chin or behind the ears, any scarring from submentoplasty is usually minimal and well hidden. Over time, these scars may fade significantly.

Can Be Combined with Other Procedures

For people wanting complete cosmetic rejuvenation, submentoplasty can be combined with other procedures. This makes it possible to improve the face, solving many problem areas simultaneously.

Improved Neckline

In addition to refining the chin area, submentoplasty significantly improves the neckline, creating a smoother, more elegantly defined transition from the jaw to the neck. This can improve the appearance of both the profile and front view.

Stages of the Submentoplasty Process

Initial Consultation

The first step will be a consultation with our expert surgeon during which you will talk about your objectives. After assessing your neck and chin and going over your medical history, the surgeon will determine if you're a good candidate.

Preoperative Preparation

Once you decide to move forward, you will be advised on how to prepare for surgery. This may include changing your lifestyle, stopping smoking, stopping certain medications and ensuring good health.

Anesthesia and Surgical Corrections

On the day of your submentoplasty, you will be given an anesthesia to ensure your comfort. The procedure will then be performed by our surgeon who will improve the shape of the neck and chin, removing excess fat.

Immediate Post-Operative Care

After the procedure, you will be taken to the recovery room, where you will be closely monitored as you recover from anesthesia. You will receive wound care and pain management instructions and can return home the same day.

Recovery Period

For submentoplasty to heal and show results, a recovery period is necessary. You need to follow specific protocols regarding activity level, wound care, and follow-up visits.

Follow-up Appointments

During post-operative appointments, your surgeon can monitor the healing process and results of the procedure. These appointments are critical to solving any problems and ensuring the best results.

Aftercare Instructions for Submentoplasty


After submentoplasty, proper aftercare is essential for a speedy recovery and best results. The following detailed recommendations will help you throughout the recovery process:


Frequently Asked Questions


Explore our selection of popular procedures, each designed to meet specific aesthetic or reconstructive needs. From enhancing your appearance to restoring form and function. 


Good candidates for Submentoplasty are individuals who have excess fat or loose skin in the chin and neck area, often resulting in a lack of definition or the presence of a double chin. Candidates should be in good general health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery.


During a Submentoplasty consultation, a qualified surgeon will evaluate your chin and neck area, discuss your aesthetic goals, and review your medical history. The surgeon will explain the procedure, potential risks, expected outcomes, and recovery process. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the surgery.


Recovery time varies for each individual, but most patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort following Submentoplasty. These effects typically subside within a few weeks. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, including wearing compression garments if advised, and avoiding strenuous activities during the initial healing period.


Submentoplasty is typically performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The surgeon makes small incisions either under the chin or inside the mouth to access the underlying tissues. The procedure is tailored to each patient’s specific needs to achieve optimal results.



Like any surgical procedure, Submentoplasty carries some risks, including infection, bleeding, scarring, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. There may also be risks of asymmetry, nerve damage, or dissatisfaction with the aesthetic results. However, these risks can be minimized by choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon and following pre- and post-operative instructions carefully.


We offer both general anesthesia and local anesthesia with sedation, administered by board-certified anesthesiologists for optimal safety and comfort.

Additional Procedures Provided at McRae Plastic Surgery

Meet Our Surgeons


At McRae Plastic Surgery, our practice centers around our board-certified plastic surgeons. Dr. Mark McRae and Dr. Matthew McRae are dedicated to continuous learning and have undergone rigorous training, ensuring a comprehensive approach to patient care.

Dr. Mark McRae


Dr. Matthew McRae


McRae Plastic Surgery


Located in: Toronto, Canada

Address: 30 Bond Street Martin Family Center, B1 (Ground Level), Donnelly Wing, Toronto, ON M5B 1W8, Canada

Monday 8:30 AM–3:30 PM
Tuesday 12:30 AM–4 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM–3:30 PM
Thursday 12:30 AM–4 PM
Friday 8 AM–3:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Phone: +1 (416) 638-3499

Province: Ontario