Top-Rated Breast Liposuction in Toronto


Experience gentle breast liposuction with our skilled surgeons.

This simple procedure reduces breast size with minimal scarring and a quick recovery. Ideal for those looking for a slight change.

Home  >  Breast Reduction  >  Breast Liposuction

Number of Procedures

1 procedure

Procedure Duration

2 – 4 hours

Recovery Time

2 weeks


$10000 – 14000

breast liposuction surgery

Why Choose Breast Liposuction Surgery


Breast liposuction reduces breast size by removing excess fat using a minimally invasive method. Unlike traditional breast reduction surgeries, which involve cutting and removing skin and glandular tissue, breast liposuction focuses solely on the fat, resulting in less scarring and faster recovery. Here’s why you may want to consider breast liposuction:

  • Minimal Scarring: Because the procedure requires only small incisions for the liposuction cannula, the resulting scars are much smaller and less noticeable than those from traditional breast reduction methods.
  • Faster Recovery: The less invasive nature of liposuction means a shorter and usually more comfortable recovery period. Many patients return to normal activities more quickly than after more extensive surgery.
  • Good for Burning Fat: Breast liposuction is especially effective for those whose excess breast size is caused primarily by fatty tissue rather than glandular tissue.
  • Less Impact on Breast Function: Because the procedure targets fat and usually does not affect ducts or nerves, breast liposuction is less likely to affect the ability or sensation of breastfeeding compared to traditional breast reduction methods.
breast liposuction procedure

Who is a Breast Liposuction Candidate?


Breast liposuction offers a solution for people suffering from some breast-related issues. While not everyone may be an ideal candidate, those who may benefit from breast liposuction typically share common characteristics:

  • Excessive Fat Accumulation: You’re a potential candidate if you’re concerned by excess breast fat that hasn’t been eliminated through diet and exercise. Breast liposuction can effectively target and remove these stubborn fat deposits.
  • Asymmetry: Many people suffer from breast asymmetry, where one breast is more significant or has a different shape. Breast liposuction can help achieve symmetry by precisely sculpting both breasts to make them more consistent.
  • Changes After Pregnancy: Pregnancy and breastfeeding can change the shape and volume of the breasts. Breast liposuction can correct post-pregnancy problems such as deflation or asymmetry.

Breast Liposuction Surgery Before & After


Discover the transformative results achieved through breast liposuction in our extensive before-and-after gallery.

breast liposuction treatment

How to Prepare for a Breast Liposuction Surgery


Before breast liposuction surgery, several important preparation steps need to be made to ensure a successful procedure. Here are detailed recommendations:

The Benefits of the Breast Liposuction Surgery

Reduced Discomfort

Compared to standard breast procedures, breast liposuction often results in less pain for the patient. Because liposuction uses small incisions, less stress is placed on the surrounding tissue, making recovery after surgery more comfortable.

Long-Lasting Results

With proper healthy lifestyle and weight control, the results of breast liposuction can last a long time. Although the natural aging process and lifestyle factors can affect the appearance of the breasts over time.

Natural-Looking Results

The results of breast liposuction typically feel and look natural because the procedure removes extra fat while maintaining skin flexibility. This allows for slight breast enlargement without the appearance of obvious scars.

Stages of the Breast Liposuction Process

Initial Consultation

The process begins with an initial consultation with our surgeon. The surgeon will evaluate your candidacy for the procedure and explain the details of the surgery, including potential risks and benefits.

Preoperative Preparation

Before surgery, undergo a medical examination and follow all preoperative instructions from your surgeon. This may include avoiding certain medications and preparing your home for recovery.


On the day of the procedure, you will be given anesthesia for comfort. Your surgeon will make small incisions in strategic areas of the breast and use a thin tube called a cannula to remove excess fat.


After surgery, you will experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications and wearing compression garments. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions for post-operative care and recovery.


Attend follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your recovery and address any concerns. If necessary, your surgeon may remove sutures or drains and evaluate the outcome of the procedure.


Although the results of breast liposuction will last for a long time, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, will help maintain your new contours over time.

breast liposuction operation

Aftercare Instructions for Breast Liposuction Surgery


Following breast liposuction surgery, proper aftercare is crucial for a quick recovery and the best possible outcomes. Here are thorough guidelines for caring for yourself after surgery:

Frequently Asked Questions


Explore our selection of popular procedures, each designed to meet specific aesthetic or reconstructive needs. From enhancing your appearance to restoring form and function. 


Recovery after breast liposuction is relatively quick compared to more invasive surgeries. Most patients can return to work and light activities within a few days. You may experience swelling and bruising, which typically subside within a few weeks. Wearing a compression garment, as advised by your surgeon, will help manage swelling and shape the breast as it heals.

Scarring from breast liposuction is minimal. The procedure requires only small incisions, typically less than a centimeter, to insert the liposuction cannula. These small incisions usually heal well and become barely noticeable over time.

While breast liposuction is generally safe, it carries some risks, as do all surgical procedures. Discussing potential risks with your surgeon will help you have a clear understanding before proceeding.


The results of breast liposuction are long-lasting, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle and weight maintenance. However, factors such as aging, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy can affect the appearance of the breasts over time.


Additional Procedures Provided at McRae Plastic Surgery

Meet Our Surgeons


At McRae Plastic Surgery, our practice centers around our board-certified plastic surgeons. Dr. Mark McRae and Dr. Matthew McRae are dedicated to continuous learning and have undergone rigorous training, ensuring a comprehensive approach to patient care.

Dr. Mark McRae


Dr. Matthew McRae


McRae Plastic Surgery


Located in: St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton

Address: St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, 50 Charlton Ave E
Room G845, Hamilton, ON L8N 4A6, Canada

Monday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Tuesday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Wednesday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Thursday 9 AM–3:30 PM
Friday 9 AM–12 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Phone: +1 905-522-1155 ext. 32145

Province: Ontario

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